Whatever Your Needs Are, We’ve Got Solutions.
When you are responsible for the integration for a brand, there are often many different pieces to keep coordinated and consistent in order to achieve your marketing goals.
We help Marketing Directors keep their work to a minimum by offering online ordering for stationery, brochures, calendars, posters and any other print materials that may be needed in multiple locations.
You simply create the original files and send them to us. We set the files up on line so employees who have access to our online ordering can bring up the files and change names, addresses, and contact information without changing any of the other important brand elements such as logo, colours, photos, etc. If this service would help you keep your brand aligned while keeping your day moving, why not give us a call. We will be happy to help you with your questions and with getting set up for business.
A Preflight Checklist Can Help!
We often catch all kinds of errors or omissions before materials go to press, but you can help us out by following our preflight checklist. Preflighting your files before sending them to us for printing will often avoid production delays and added costs to the job. Preflighting involves checking and verifying all aspects of the job before sending the files to us. There are numerous things to be checked, listed below are just a few of the common things that are often missed.
- Have all the high resolution images been included.
- Have all the fonts used in the job been included, both screen and printer.
- Have you included a hard copy laser proof or a digital PDF proof.
- In a multi-page document, have you made your pages the finished page size of the document and not as spreads.
- Have you added 1/8″ bleed outside the final trim area.
- Do you have the colours correct, for example CMYK not RGB, spot colours are named correctly and consistently.
It’s simple. Just press the blue button and follow the directions. You can upload all kinds of projects from stationery and brochures to catalogs and business cards. Let’s get printing!